Monday, April 20, 2009

Perlemoen and other shells painstakingly glued onto vertical mirror.
Lets quote on your requirements.
This one priced at ZAR 4700

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Floating architectural shelf design.

We find higher areas of kitchen layout usually give an effect of top heaviness. Although this is effect has no effect in reality, the sensation is totally reduced by using this design, leaving one with a distinct feeling of having vast headroom depth. The 20 watt halogen lights offer a perfect collage platform for any prized possessions needing exagerated display.

An alternative version can be found in Railway House shop Kalk Bay, comprising similar geometry mounted on castors.

Versatile as a room divider, for display or simply as a book shelf, all of the variations are available in different colours and finishes.

We suggest having the shelf powder coated in your desired counter.

Prices seem to start around R10 k.

Contact us for a quotation.

Nine Drawer Contemporary Project Worktop

This is a piece for those wishing to get their teeth into a long denied dream project. It embraces both vintage and contemporary styling, incorporating recycled materials gathered locally (oregon), with coloured pieces spliced from a collection of old doors found in a pile in Cordoba, Argentina.

This example is priced at R24000.
Send in your required dimensions to us for a quotation.